DPAC Representative:

The DPAC Rep represents the Tupper PAC at the Vancouver District Parents Advisory Committee. The rep is required to attend the DPAC General Meetings (approximately once a month), and communicate DPAC business to the PAC at the PAC meetings.

The DPAC Rep may also attend the DPAC Executive meetings. Additionally, the DPAC Rep may be asked to advance PAC or parent concerns to the appropriate DPAC executive member, either between meetings or at general meetings.

Further, the DPAC Rep acts as a voting member at DPAC meetings and will be asked to vote on various motions on behalf of the Tupper PAC.

Finally, the DPAC Rep may be asked to sit on various DPAC committees or working groups (or may volunteer for positions in those groups).

Tupper PAC Co-Chair Job Description


1.      Hold and chair meetings in the following months via Zoom or at the school or Hybrid: September, October, November, January, February, April, and May.  

2.      Recommended that the proposed agenda is sent to the executive board and members-at-large five days prior to the meeting.

3.      Circulate the agenda by sending it to the Tupper staff  to email to Tupper community. Two to three days meeting notice is recommended.

4.      Meetings are currently hybrid, therefore you will need a working Zoom link and somebody attending the in-person meeting at Tupper who has internet access at the school.

5.      Monitor tupperpacchair@gmail.com and respond when appropriate.

6.      Ensure the budget for the Gaming Grant is passed by the November meeting.

7.      Ensure the Tupper Secondary Standardized General and Standardized Supplemental fee schedule is passed by April, by a motion at the March meeting.

Kinda Mandatory

Staff and Teacher’s Breakfast in June. Make sure there is an organizer or do it yourself if you can’t find one. Solicit donations for food or money to pay for food. It shouldn’t be a stressor as the community has been generating with donations in the past.

Nice to Do – Not Mandatory

If there is only one chair (i.e. no co-chairs) I recommend that the chair only do mandatory duties unless they can find “event coordinators” to do other stuff. Otherwise, that’s a lot of work for one person.

Update the Tupper PAC website with meeting minutes, new agenda, and front page news and events. You will need to learn Squarespace or find somebody who knows it or is willing to learn it.

Updating the website is not that hard but you do need somebody who is comfortable working on computers.

Fundraising like Purdy’s chocolate and Bottle Return.

Organize various social activities like summer basketball and PAC parties. We have an Eventbrite account for that and it’s easy to learn.

Having said that, if somebody wants to volunteer as an event coordinator, you do have to tactfully ensure they have the computer skills to do the job, as everything is done online. Or you end up doing it itself.

If somebody comes with you with a need for funds, and you think the Tupper community would buy into that need, don’t be scared to just ask people to interact money to the Tupper PAC

Not Mandatory Stuff and You Don’t Want to Do it Anyway

This is my opinion (Dave D), and some people may not agree with everything I write here, but as I’m one of the outgoing PAC co-chair, I think I’m allowed to say this.

1.      Answering all the emails that you receive via tupperpacchair@gmail.com. Some emails are just from companies trying to sell you stuff. Some emails are parents just venting and some are just plain weird. Standard rule that I have after three years on the job: If the person takes the time to showup to the PAC meeting, we should let them voice their opinion.  Otherwise…

2.      Honestly, if I could give you this as a parting gift, I would vote for a ban about discussing vaping in the bathrooms. But I can’t. So the next time you are forced to waste precious meeting time on this eternal bone of contention, I would ensure that comprehensive minutes are taken of the discussion, and EMAIL those minutes to anybody who wants the PAC to talk about it again. You will thank me for this advice.

3.      You can’t talk about specific students at a PAC meeting. Obvious, but sometimes there has to be a reminder.

4.      Talking about specific teachers and/or members of the staff. If there is a problem there, that’s the job of the principal and VP to deal with.

5.      Really, dealing with anything that is super-stressful. You are a volunteer, and your authority is EXTREMELY limited. Feel free to completely ignore antagonistic emails. If people want to bring stuff up at a meeting that is controversial and/or emotional, let them speak but you don’t have to DO ANYTHING. Your absolute #1 priority is to ensure that the PAC continues to have a co-chair i.e. You quit the job because it sucks and you can’t take it anymore.


Attend meetings and take minutes of the monthly meetings

Take attendance