Sir Charles Tupper
Parent Advisory Council
Meetings are open to current parents/caregivers in the Tupper community, no registration required.
For the school year 2024-2025, PAC will meet on the second Wednesday of every month (except for December, March, and June).
Meetings start at 7 pm and end at around 8:15- 8:30 pm
Meeting Dates are as follows:
September 11, October 9, November 13, January 15, February 12, April 9, May 14
Google Meet link to be provided via email to subscribers to our mailing list (subscribe below), as well as on this website under Meeting Dates.

Staff Appreciation Breakfast
We are excited to announce our upcoming Teacher Appreciation Event on Friday, June 6, 2025!
Last year's event was a tremendous success, thanks to your generous contributions and support. We had an abundance of prizes and delicious food, which made the event truly special for our teachers.
This year, we are once again reaching out to our wonderful parent community for help.
We are seeking volunteers to assist before, during, and after the event, as well as donations.
Your support is crucial in making this event a memorable one for our dedicated teachers.
How You Can Help:
Donate: Contribute gifts or food items to be used during the event. Sign Up Here Tab 1
Volunteer: Sign up to help with various tasks before, during, and after the event. Sign Up Here Tab 2
Own a business or know someone who might be interested in contributing?
For sponsorship details, contact:
Contact: Helena Tse at helenatse23@gmail.com or 778-233-9719
* We have request for donation letters available if the business should requires it. *
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Together, we can show our teachers how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication.
“Meet, Mingle & Munchies”
Come, meet and join other Parents, Teachers, Staff, School Principal
& your PAC Team in a family potluck social event!
Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Time: 6 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: Tupper Staff Lounge
No entry fee, just bring a favourite dish to share with your Tupper Family!
In addition to your dish to share, please BRING:
Serving Utensils (label these!) + Tupperware + Utensils to Eat
Reusable Travel Utensil Sets will be made available to purchase on site
with a portion going back to the PAC!
Click on the link below to indicate what you would like to bring:
Sorry kids, this is a PARENT-ONLY event.
Sorry Parents, this will also be a NON-ALCOHOL event.
We will be collecting items for our Teachers & Staff Appreciation Breakfast in June.
Feel free to drop off your items, cash donations and/or gift card contributions
to Helena & Charmaine.
HELP Our Tupper Girls Basketball Program!
Funds raised will go towards tournament fees and gear for our team.
1 BOX - $20 (12 DOUGHNUTS)
2 BOXES - $30 (24 DOUGHNUTS)
PRE-ORDERS: See your Junior & Senior Girl Players
IN-PERSON: Monday, Feb. 10
Main Foyer @ Lunch Time
Main Gym @ 3:45 pm
(Grade 8 Boys Basketball Game vs. Killarney)
Thank you Victoria & Dr. Jack Wong!
Thank you to our guest speakers who took the time to help re-host this live session for our Tupper family.
If you need more information or resources on post-secondary planning, please reach out to:
Readings International
Email: info@readingsinternational.com
Tel: (250) 886-1207
Post-Secondary Info Session (Re-Do)
The PAC is happy host another Post-Secondary Info Session to parents who were unable to join our November session due to technical difficulties.
Note this will be the same session that was previously run by Victoria and Dr. Jack Wong.
Topic will include details on how to succeed in applying for undergraduate programs and will be geared to Tupper Parents and students of all grades.
Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 7 pm - 8:30 pm
To attend, on the day of click on the button below to join our virtual meeting.
To join by phone: (Canada) +1 289-949-7912 / PIN: 748 094 825#
Questions? Feel free to reach out to tupperpacchair@gmail.com
Doing Some Extra Holiday Shopping?
…. or did you receive any extra booze and wine you don’t need?
Please consider donating these to the Tupper PAC!
We are collecting wine, champagne, gift cards
and gifts for prizes in anticipation for our year-end
Teacher’s Appreciation Breakfast in June!
Feel free to reach out to tupperpacchair@gmail.com
and we will connect you to our parent volunteers for collection.
Thank you in advance!
VSB is Partnering with RecycleBC
The Vancouver School Board is set to revolutionize recycling practices in schools across Vancouver! For the first time ever, 55 schools in the Vancouver School Board district will be participating this May in the collection of residential flexible plastics, thanks to this innovative collaboration.
Tupper’s Nature Club is supporting the initiative.
BRING IN your soft plastics and drop it off in the bins located in the foyer. For every kilogram of plastic collected, the school EARNS $2. Proceeds will go fund various club activities.
Program is on now until Nov. 29, 2024.
Purdy’s Winter Fundraising Completed!
We are thrilled to announce that we surpassed
our fundraising goal!
More details at the January 2025 PAC meeting.
Due to technical difficulties with the link, we are pleased to inform you that the we plan to offer this information session again in the spring.
Stay tuned for more details.
Big thank you to presenters Victoria and Jack Wong for their patience at the start, and for their excellent and informative presentation.
The Tupper PAC would like to extend a huge thank you to all our generous businesses who donated prizes for our teacher appreciation breakfast on June 7, 2024.
We thank the following Fraser St. business sponsors:
Bells & Whistle
Good Sushi
JJ Bean Coffee
Le Marché St. George
Mountainview Liquor Store
Prado Cafe
Terra International Foods Inc.(retail outlet at Niche Market)